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Re: Moving contrib and non-free of master.debian.org

On Mon, Jun 21, 1999 at 07:47:40PM -0600, Jason Gunthorpe wrote:
> For instance, your proposal is too specific because it does not provide
> any guidance for what to do with non-us, the web pages, bug system, user
> web pages or APT.
Good point but (in the rest) I think you carried it to far.. to an extreme.

> --
> Debian shall not use it's machines or resources to distribute software
> that fails the DFSG. Debian will not accept any packages that fail the
> DFSG or support and projects producing non-DSFG complient software. Debian
> web pages and miscellaneous other software will refrain from indexing or
> otherwise referencing non-DFSG software.
> --
> What you have proposed will end up about half way to three quarters of the
> way to that full statement, you might as well finish the job, and really
> that is what the vote will be about, not about a 'archive split'.

> Incidently, as an aside.. to anyone who thinks that this would just be a
> simple creation of a new host.. No, it isn't. In discussions it's pretty
> much come out that it would be run by a different ftpmaster team, it would
> have it's own upload arranagment and it's own mirror arranagement, we'd
> need to find sponsorship and hardware to run it, etc. APT would no longer
> list non-free components and would make no mention that they even
> existed, etc.
I don't see that as part of the proposal.. any of it.  Where would apt not
have a comment section in the sources.list that said, for other packages...
Why can the web site not say, "information on other packages not part of
Debian" and point to non-free.d.o.  Why does there have to be a seperate
FTP team?  Why does non-free have to have a different upload structure any
more than non-us does?

Please cc all mailing list replies to me, also.
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* Debian Developer, Debian Project Secretary, Debian Webmaster          *
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