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More questions to the candidates

Hi to all,
  I have been following the past discussions on -vote, though I stayed 
quiet, being busy etc.

Straight to the point: 

1. Debian currently supports more than 10 arches (just a quick check 
in /ports. Obviously, trying to keep in sync all of them is too much.
And I hope I'm not the only one who sees that it's increasingly 
becoming a burden to insist to keep in sync slow arches like arm, 
mips* and m68k. And IMHO, keeping in sync arches that have a 20y 
difference in technology is ridiculous.
My question: Do you believe that Debian should for ever support all 
arches in parallel? Or establish some kind of "speed lanes" for fast 
arches, slow arches, etc. For example if Debian/m68k is used by 
embedded people, there is little use in building all of KDE/Gnome for 

2. Two of the candidates (Branden and Martin) have talked about the 
development of processes around Debian, so that things get done right 
and without unnecessary delays. While the theory is perfect and I 
wholeheartidly agree, the implementation is what interests me most. 
How do you plan on implementing processes in Debian and what 
timeschedules you have for that? It's no good saying that you have a 
10-year plan for developing a perfect process-driven Debian. Instead 
of doing a theoritical analysis on the subject I would appreciate a 
discussion on some specific part of Debian (pick the one you intend 
to deal with first, if you get elected). 

3. What are your plans about Java in Debian? I understand that Java 
license is not Debian's decision, but Debian can push -and I gladly 
witnessed some productive discussion between Martin and Simon Phipps 
(Sun's CTO) in Malaga. From my own discussion with Mr. Phipps, it 
seems that a lot of Java's license problems are because of 
misunderstanding inside Sun wrt to Java turning truly Free. Debian 
should care for its users and many of its users use Java.
My question: What are your plans to try and establish/strengthen the 
communication link with Sun/whoever to ensure that there is a 
workable Java implementation in Debian? I know about Kaffe, before 
someone corrects me, there is (almost) noone in the commercial world 
that uses it.

4. Transition from non-free. Please give a specific plan that you 
intend to suggest if removal of non-free is voted. I don't care if 
non-free is removed but to just remove it one instant is 
irresponsible, imho. And non-free is an important subject and if a 
candidate wants to be voted he has to provide a clear position on 
this. (Note: I know that the candidates are against non-free, I want 
to hear a strategy on non-free removal).

5. Debian has become quite big, much bigger than the previous years. 
In fact, I have come to believe that it's too large a project for one 
person to coordinate. Branded has explicitly talked about delegates 
for tasks. My stance is that at some point in the future there will 
have to be some form of senate :-)
My question: Do you think that you can handle all of the tasks a DPL 
is supposed to do? If you have packages to maintain do you plan to 
keep them as well? If at some point you realize that you cannot take 
it anymore, what will be your action?

a) Drop everything and go to Hawaii
b) Work until you die
c) Resign
d) Other

6. Debian delegate selection
How would you choose a delegate for a position? 

Sorry for the long list of the questions but these are, imho, 
important and should be asked.
Thanks to all the candidates for your contribution to Debian all these 
years and I wish good luck.


PS. Martin, one correction wrt your platform text. I don't work on a 
Debian based distro in Greece, I work -semi-officially- on adding 
Greek support _into_ Debian itself, there is no distro :-)

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