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Re: Questions to the candidates

* Gustavo Noronha Silva <kov@debian.org> [2004-03-08 14:19]:
> Do you think Debian should work more pro-activelly in supporting
> free hardware initiatives? Do you think Debian money could be
> invested in such initiatives? What, if elected, you plan to do with
> respect to bringind Debian closer to said free hardware projects?

Yes, I think free hardware initiatives are a good idea, but I also
recognize that they have not had as much success yet as free software.
If you can point some free hardware projects out to me which are
worthwhile looking at, I can certainly see how they as well as Debian
could benefit from closer cooperation.  For example, I think it is
important to make sure that Debian runs well on them.  As to financial
support from Debian: this is possible in theory, but we would first
have to check how exactly they would benefit from the money and how
Debian and the free software community would benefit from supporting
them in the long run.

In summary, I think it would be a good idea to find out more about
free hardware initiatives.  This way, we can identify their needs and
see how they would benefit from our support (be it financial or by
providing expertise/porting Debian to their hardware).

Martin Michlmayr

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