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Re: General Resolution: Handling of the non-free section: proposedBallot

On 2004-03-08 14:43:45 +0000 Sven Luther <sven.luther@wanadoo.fr> wrote:

Ah, but i would be barred from entering the US forever after.

Aren't you already? ;-)

Yeah, but at least the threat to remove their package from non-free
would have some weight.

If you currently threaten your upstreams with that, please do us a favour and ask debian-legal to talk to them about licensing on your behalf in future.

Point taken about developer motivations, but it's odd to ignore external non-free existing already, but ask the project to act based
And how much of those are you using, and how much of those to you trully
trust in on production hardware ?

I have third-party free software packages on production hardware. At present, I don't believe I have any non-free third-party packages on there, but I'd need to check to be sure.

And then, there is currently packages in non-free who are more free than
packages in main, so ...

Do you know of non-free software in main? If so, please report the bugs. Otherwise, please don't drag this OT yet again with a "yet another definition of free" (YADOF) debate.

MJR/slef     My Opinion Only and possibly not of any group I know.
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