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voting mechanics draft update

This draft fixes some naming silliness.

If this draft is good enough, I'll try incorporating the changes to A.3
in the next draft.

If anyone feels that this is too hard to understand, please write me a
letter indicating the first part that you have trouble understanding,
and something about the nature of the problem you're having.

  A.6 Vote Counting

    1. Each ballot orders the options being voted on in the order
       specified by the voter.  If the voter does not rank some options,
       this means that the voter prefers all ranked options over the
       unlisted options.  Any options unranked by the voter are treated
       as being equal to all other unranked options.

    2. Options which do not defeat the default option are eliminated.

       Definition: Option A defeats option B if more voters prefer A
       over B than prefer B over A.

    3. If an option has a quorum requirement, that option must defeat
       the default option by the number of votes specified in the quorum
       requirement, or the option is eliminated.

    4. If an option has a supermajority requirement, that option must
       defeat the default option by the ratio of votes specified in the
       supermajority requirement, or the option is eliminated.  That is,
       if a an option has a 2:1 supermajority requirement, then there
       must be twice as many votes which prefer that option over the
       default option than there are votes which prefer the default
       option over that option.

    5. If one remaining option defeats all other remaining options,
       that option wins.

    6. If more than one option remains after the above steps, we use
       Cloneproof Schwartz Sequential Dropping to eliminate any cyclic
       ambiguities and then pick the winner.  This procedure and must
       be carried out in the following order:

       i. All options not in the Schwartz set are eliminated.

          Definition: An option C is in the Schwartz set if there is no
          other option D such that D transitively defeats C AND C does
          not transitively defeat D.

          Definition: An option F transitively defeats an option G if G
          defeats F or if there is some other option H where H defeats
          G AND F transitively defeats H.

       ii. Unless this would eliminate all options in the Schwartz set,
           the weakest propositions are eliminated.

           Definition: A proposition is a defeat, or a pair of options
           where both have received votes explicitly comparing the two
           options but neither option is able to defeat the other.

           Definition: A weak proposition is a proposition where the
           larger of the two vote counts is no greater than that of
           any other proposition.

           Definition: A weakest proposition is a weak proposition where
           the smaller of the two vote counts is no less than that of
           any other weak proposition.

           Definition: A proposition is eliminated by treating both
           of its vote counts as zero.

           Note: All weakest propositions have the same value for
           the larger of the two vote counts.  Likewise, all weakest
           propositions have the same value for the smaller of the two
           vote counts.

       iii. If eliminating the weakest propositions would eliminate all
            votes represented in the Schwartz set, a tie exists and the
            person with the casting vote picks from among the options
            represented in this Schwartz set.

       iv. If eliminating the weakest propositions would not eliminate
           all votes, a new Schwartz set is found based on the newly
           revised set of propositions.

       v. If this new Schwartz set contains only one option, that
          option wins.

       vi. Otherwise, these steps (i-vi) are repeated with this new
           Schwartz set.



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