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Re: issue with volatile clamav and/or freshclam

Ondrej Zara wrote:

> After istallation, restarting clamav-daemon/clamav-freshclam yields
> the following:
> Starting ClamAV virus database updater: freshclam
> /lib/lsb/init-functions: line 53: /sbin/start-stop-daemon: Permission
> denied failed!

I had the same issue, and found out that it was caused because my /sbin
directory was chmoded to 700. And I think that's how it should be. Or is
there any good reason why should I allow non-root users to execute
binaries in my /sbin directory?

I fixed the issue by changing this line in the init script:

  su "$User" -p -s /bin/sh -c ". /lib/lsb/init-functions && \
  start_daemon -p $THEPIDFILE $DAEMON"


  . /lib/lsb/init-functions && start_daemon -p "$THEPIDFILE" "$DAEMON"

So, my question is: why the su command is there and is it essential?

Jari Jokinen

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