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Re: volatile.debian.org: Does Debian still support it?

2007/9/26, Martin Zobel-Helas <zobel@ftbfs.de>:
> Accepted now.

Thank you very much.

> For the future: i would have been much easier, if you would have said:
> be warned, the patch is huge, but if you don't look at the compiled
> version of it, it is these number of lines...
> Both of us would have had much less trouble.

I think we could communicate better if you read the patch, not just
statistics about it. By the way, the patch itself does not contain the
real source data - the Olson database. I understand that it might be
not clear for someone who didn't use this library and know nothing
about complexity of timezones support in computing systems. It is
really hard piece of technology.

Thanks a lot and greetings.

 .''`.    Piotr Roszatycki
: :' :    mailto:Piotr.Roszatycki@gmail.com
`. `'     mailto:dexter@debian.org

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