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clamav: freshclam configuration/parse problem


My new configuration: freshclam.conf looks like this:

Foreground false
ScriptedUpdates yes
NotifyClamd true
DatabaseMirror db.local.clamav.net
DatabaseMirror database.clamav.net
DatabaseMirror db.de.clamav.net

Now, if there is an update, I get an error (so far only via cron,
since I was not testing when there was really an update available):

WARNING: Clamd was NOT notified: Can't find or parse configuration file true

Thus I did a dpkg-reconfigure clamav-freshclam to see what should be
the case and accepting to notify clamav, the configuration file results in:

# Automatically created by the clamav-freshclam postinst
# Comments will get lost when you reconfigure the clamav-freshclam package

ScriptedUpdates yes
DatabaseMirror db.local.clamav.net
DatabaseMirror database.clamav.net

which throws an error, when invoking, e.g. via 
 /etc/init.d/clamav-freshclam no-daemon 
ERROR: Parse error at line 20: Option NotifyClamd requires string argument.
WARNING: You must specify at least one database mirror.

Anyone else seeing the problem, or is my debconf broken?


Tobias Ulbricht/Daniel Hermann/Andreas Poenicke 
IT-Beauftragte der Institute TKM und TFP
Universitaet Karlsruhe, Wolfgang-Gaede-Str. 1, D-76128 Karlsruhe
eMail: gaston@tkm.uni-karlsruhe.de , Phone: ++49-721-608-3588

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