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Re: Re: Review of the gtk-gnutella patch


I'll just address one of your points:

> 2) The package as it sits is apparently completely useless anyway
> (because it depends on a "package dependency" -- the old version of the 
> network protocol -- that no longer is valid). BTW, why isn't there a 
> gnutella library and treat gtk-gnutella as a client only? hm.

Creation of a libgnutella is in progress, but that would just make it
even more complicated if I were to approach the volatile group.

Anyway, I now just advise people to forget about volatile and recompile 
the package themselves.  volatile was a good idea but the execution has
been so poor that it isn't useful any longer.


 `When any government, or any church for that matter, undertakes to say to
  its subjects, "This you may not read, this you must not see, this you are
  forbidden to know," the end result is tyranny and oppression no matter how
  holy the motives' -- Robert A Heinlein, "If this goes on --"

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