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Re: install Kernel and GRUB in chroot.


Dmitry wrote:
> Yep. `dd` copy partitions table. Amazing.

Not so amazing after you realize that a partition table is just data on
the storage medium and not some special property of the storage device.
dd copies data. If these data contain a partition table and get copied to
the right place on the storage medium, the partition table will be
recognized by EFI and Linux.

> applies no 'intelligence' to the operation.

This describes it very well. Sometimes dumb is good. Sometimes not.

Initially you stated in
>...> I need to prepare that system for booting.
>...> 1. Install Kernel.
>...> 2. Install GRUB and Configure.
>...> 3. Add changes to UEFI to start booting.

dd-ing a bootable Debian ISO will not do what you describe.
Assumed the ISO is prepared for booting from USB stick, you will get a
bootable Live or an installer system. At least ISOs for i386, amd64, and
arm64 should be prepared for that.

If it is not ready for booting from USB stick, it will be just a storage
with a mountable filesystem and Debian files in it.

Max Nikulin wrote:
> > Just copy files from LiveCD (it should have EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi)
> > to the ESP partition on the USB stick.

The /EFI/boot directory of a bootable Debian ISO usually does not contain
the full GRUB equipment for EFI. Important parts of an amd64 Live ISO are
in /boot/grub.
The programs in /EFI/boot are specialized on convincing Secure Boot and
on finding the ISO filesystem with /boot/grub in it. (Actually those are
copies of the EFI boot partition files. The boot partition is a FAT
filesystem image file inside the ISO named /boot/grub/efi.img .)

Tim Woodall wrote:
> > I'm not exactly sure what you're doing.

I join this statement. :))

Do you want a normal changeable Debian system installation or do you want
a Live system with its immutable core and maybe some partition where you
can store files ?
(Just curiosity of mine. Possibly i could not help much with chroot
questions anyway.)

Have a nice day :)


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