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Re: HDD long-term data storage with ensured integrity

On 3 May 2024 13:26 +0200, from schaefer@alphanet.ch (Marc SCHAEFER):
> https://github.com/t13a/dm-integrity-benchmarks
> Contenders are btrfs, zfs, and notably ext4+dm-integrity+dm-raid

ZFS' selling point is not performance, _especially_ on rotational
drives. In fact, it's fairly widely accepted that ZFS is in fact
inferior in performance compared to pretty much everything else
modern, even at the best of times; and some of its features help
mitigate its lower against-disk performance.

ZFS' value proposition lies elsewhere.

Which is fine. It's the right choice for some people; for others,
other alternatives provide better trade-offs.

Michael Kjörling                     🔗 https://michael.kjorling.se
“Remember when, on the Internet, nobody cared that you were a dog?”

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