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Re: [SOLVED] Trouble/bug with initramfs-tools adding encrypted swap partition

Hi Michel,
upon gathering my thoughts for answering to you I found the solution to this: update-initramfs can't handle the case that crypttab ends in the line of the last entry and not in a new line character. I think there either should be a fix for this or at least a way to handle this case with a much clearer error message. So I'll probably open a bug report for the package and the maintainer can decide if that should be forwarded upstream. Such a rather trivial case shouldn't be resulting in such fatal errors.


On Wed, Apr 24, 2024, 14:23 Michel Verdier <mv524@free.fr> wrote:
On 2024-04-23, Richard wrote:

> luks-775ea946-6797-4c4d-a042-72924309f3d2
> UUID=775ea946-6797-4c4d-a042-72924309f3d2     /crypto_keyfile.bin
> luks,keyscript=/bin/cat
> luks-78362aa3-760c-41de-b911-6531b684e3f7
> UUID=78362aa3-760c-41de-b911-6531b684e3f7     /crypto_keyfile.bin
> luks,keyscript=/bin/cat

initramfs extract line from /etc/crypttab to create its own crypttab
as you have seen in main/cryptroot/crypttab, and only for rootfs, not for

> Now, is this a bug in the package or am I missing something? And how do I
> create a working initramfs now?

swap is usually mounted after rootfs is mounted, thus using
/etc/crypttab. If you want to resume from swap you have to follow
paragraph 2.2.1 on

If you don't need to resume you can follow the much easier chapter 1 on
the same url, using /dev/urandom as a keyfile.

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