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Re: Subject: Glitchy sound in Steam games after hard drive upgrade

On 4/22/24 21:26, Charlie Gibbs wrote:
On 2024-04-22 16:50, Jeffrey Walton wrote:
What are the old and new hard drive model numbers and specs?

The old drive is a Western Digital WD5000YS (500GB SATA).


The new drive is a Western Digital Red, WF40EFPX (4TB SATA).


Both drives are spinning rust.  I'm upgrading for the increased capacity, i.e. to store more MP3s and videos.

Many thanks to all who have replied.  When my schedule permits me to continue experimenting, I'm going to try copying /etc from the old drive to the new one.   I've already learned how _not_ to do this:

Boot from the new drive
$ su root
# cd /
# mv etc etc.ori
# rsync -av /mnt/backup/etc .

The second line makes the system fall over and makes logins impossible. It took a boot from the rescue CD to undo the damage, which fortunately was easy since the deadly step at least succeeded in backing up /etc.

Next time I'll do it while booted from the old drive.

Copying an entire /etc directory from one machine to another requires a highly controlled environment and lot of engineering. I have always migrated /etc settings from one OS instance to another OS instance by hand, one service/ configuration file at a time.

Can you leave the 500 GB HDD operational and use the 4 TB HDD for data?


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