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Re: Debian non-free-firmware policy making OS misleading and Free Software unfriendly

On Mon, 22 Apr 2024, Curt wrote:

> On 2024-04-21, Reid <reidbox@proinbox.com> wrote:
>> You seem to be suggesting that Debian users now need to read XX pages of release notes and guides in order to learn that what they're installing is not what the Debian.org homepage "Why Debian", "Our Philosophy", and "Who We Are / What We Do" pages are currently promoting Debian as.
> How can you be taken seriously when you can't even wrap your lines
> according to our venerable guidelines?
> https://wiki.debian.org/DebianMailingLists
> Set linewrap to 65-78 characters. 72 is a popular setting.
> Get a popular setting going, buddy.
> And, though it's true I extolled Proust recently, being succinct with
> well-wrapped lines is the height of mailing-list sophistication (unless
> your Marcel, which you ain't).
> Of course, it's also true these guidelines are never evoked with
> anything approaching equanimity, so forget I even mentioned them.

mentioned what

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