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Re: Current best practices for system configuration management?


On Thu, Apr 18, 2024 at 05:05:14PM -0700, Mike Castle wrote:
> Anyway, suggestions based upon actually experience would be appreciated.

As others have mentioned, Ansible can be a good choice for as little
as one machine as long as you don't object to installing Python and
a bunch of Python apps. Probably best to do it in a Python
virtualenv rather than try to use OS packages as it does still
change quite often, but I've found backwards compatibility to be

I used Puppet for quite a few years. It was a nicer, more expressive
and powerful language. It's also a lot faster than Ansible when you
have tens of hosts. It probably does not make sense for only a
couple of hosts though.

I stopped using it because the rate of change (requiring changes to
its server and client on all hosts) was too much for me.

These days I think the original developers consider it "done" and
have moved on, selling the lot to Perforce who I suspect will just
coast along milking the community for what it can. I would not
consider Puppet for a new setup at this time, mainly for that

Chef, never used it but did consider it when wanting to move away
from Puppet. Again probably not make sense for small number of
hosts. Likely has more of a future than Puppet considering Cinc.

We all hear great things about Nix, but I want something that
manages Debian packages, not replaces Debian packages.

Ansible is still viable for me but I fully expect Red Hat to ruin it
one day in search of profit. Which is their right.


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