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Re: problem with live usb booting

On Thu, Apr 11, 2024 at 01:30:46PM +0000, sarath wrote:
> dear debian
> I have created live usb with debian-live-12.5.0-amd64-standard.iso using tool Ventoy-1.0.95. When tried to booting it is ended with command line options. please help me to the next step

It's not clear to me what you mean.  Was there an *error* message?  If so,
what does it say?

If you simply mean "I expected a graphical interface, and instead I got
a text console login prompt", that's because you used the -standard image
which has a minimalist set of packages, equivalent to what you would get
if you installed Debian normally, and un-selected the desktop environment
option, and only left "Standard" selected.

If you want a graphical interface, you'll need a different image.

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