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Re: using mbuffer: what am i doing wrong?

On 9 Apr 2024 15:13 +0200, from debianlist@potentially-spam.de-bruyn.de (DdB):
>> port=8000 # just an example
>> filename=test.bin # created before
>> # Start the receiver first, like:
>> mbuffer -I $port -o $filename
>> # Then start the sender like:
>> mbuffer -i $filename -O ${receiverIP}:$port
> On my LAN (all virtual, at the moment), this fails, because the sender
> cannot connect to the receiver, so times out.

Looking at the mbuffer man page, it certainly looks like it should
work. Another tool that will let you do the same thing is nc (netcat);
nc -l on the listener side, plain nc on the connecting side.

> What left me puzzled is this:
> Just starting the receiver, and then checking, if it is listening at the
> $port, i found:
>> sudo netstat | grep $port
> to return nothing

netstat defaults to resolving IPs and ports to names. At a minimum,
add -n if you are grepping its output for a specific port number. (You
may also want to use grep -w.)

I also suggest to double-check to make sure that you don't have a
firewall blocking the traffic.

Michael Kjörling                     🔗 https://michael.kjorling.se
“Remember when, on the Internet, nobody cared that you were a dog?”

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