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Re: help needed to get a bookworm install to succeed

On Sun, Mar 31, 2024 at 11:18:30AM +0200, DdB wrote:
> Hello list,
> i intend to create a huge backup server from some oldish hardware.
> Hardware has been partly refurbished and offers 1 SSD + 8 HDD on a 6core
> Intel with 64 GB RAM.
> Already before assembling the hardware, grub was working from the SSD,
> which got lvm partitioning and is basically empty. As i have no working
> CD drive nor can this old machine boot from USB, i put an ISO for
> bookworm onto an lvm-LV.

Not knowing how that was done, I guess disk was taken to another
computer where the lvm-LV was written.

If so:  put the (ISO)image just on the disk, not in LVM.

> Using grub, i can manually boot from that ISO
> and see the first installer screens. But after asking some questions,
> the installer wants to mount the external media (ISO), and does not find
> it on sd[a-z], then aborts.
> By switching to Desktop 4, i can see the attempt to search for the
> "CD"-drive, which is bound to fail.
> I am not familiar with the very restricted shell, that is available from
> the installer (busybox) and have not yet found an approach to circumvent
> my problems. i would like to use the installer, as debootstrapping would
> necessitate alot more knowledge than mine.
> Suggestions are welcome :-)

Original post based:
  Take bootdisk out the back server,
  take the disk to other server.
  Install there, move the disk to the back server.

What I would do:
  Network boot

> DdB

Geert Stappers
Silence is hard to parse

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