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Re: Bookworm Networking Issues

On Sun, Mar 17, 2024 at 08:46:26PM +0100, Marco Moock wrote:
> Am 17.03.2024 um 16:54:27 Uhr schrieb David:
> > Can anybody suggest how to get the networking running?
> You have to tell us what doesn't work in your network.
> Also show the output of
> ip a
> cat /etc/resolv.conf

I have a feeling everyone's over-thinking this.  I suspect what the OP
wants is the *literal command* they should type.

Unfortunately, without knowing the contents of /etc/network/interfaces
we can't give the literal command.  You'd have to know the name(s) of
the network interfaces that are defined.  Then, for each interface, you
would run an "ifup" command.

For example, on my current machine, the network interface is named "eno1".
To bring this interface up, if it's not already up, I would run:

    ifup eno1

Of course, there's also a desire to ensure that the network interfaces
are correctly brought up when you boot.  Therefore, the ultimate test is
to reboot the machine.  If the interfaces come up when you boot, then
things are probably configured correctly.  If they don't, then you have
a problem to solve.

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