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Re: printing QR-codes on labels with 300dpi label printers with LaTeX

On 10/3/24 11:21, Max Nikulin wrote:

Is the QR image a raster one? I am unsure concerning its printer dots per QR pixel ratio. Let's take e.g. 4 as a value inconvenient for direct scaling from 300dpi to 203dpi. I expect that upscaling it by 3 and downscaling the result by 4 with disabled smoothing (e.g. using splines) should generate an image that is 1.5% larger than the one suitable for 203dpi. So setting 98.5% scaling for printer should allow to achieve sharp QR image without re-encoding QR.

In my case I have never seen a bigger dogs breakfast of a pdf! It has many elements in different formats including bitmaps, scalable vector graphics, and text elements. That and some images are colour and some black and white. I just preprocess it

I have far less problems with the QR code (in my case data_matrix code) than with the barcode. The pixel elements of the QR code are much larger than the lines in a barcode so there is much less chance for pixel ambiguity.

I think i you make it 'big enough' it will scan fine. So a factor of 2 magnification should work with a QR code.

I spent many (un)happy hours with gimp and imagemagick to try and get the best solution for barcodes. Sadly there is none other than print the barcode as big as possible in your page real-estate.

I spent an hour today with my friend GPT4 and python and I can now pluck out any and all codes from my mailing labels and I next plan to generate new labels at 203dpi using freshly encoded barcodes and data_matrix codes.

Here is some experimental code

from PIL import Image
import pyzbar.pyzbar as pyzbar
import qrcode  # For generating QR codes
from barcode import EAN13, generate  # Using EAN13 as an example; this might vary
from barcode.writer import ImageWriter
import os

from pdf2image import convert_from_path

def pdf_to_image(pdf_path, dpi=600):
    images = convert_from_path(pdf_path, dpi=dpi)
    for img in images:
        yield img

def detect_and_extract_codes(images):
    for img in images:
        detected_codes = pyzbar.decode(img)
        for code in detected_codes:
            if code.type == 'QRCODE':
                # Process QR code
                # Process other types of barcodes

def process_qr_code(code):
    qr = qrcode.QRCode(
    img = qr.make_image(fill_color="black", back_color="white")
    img.show()  # Or save the image

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