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Re: strange time problem with bullseye

Roy J. Tellason, Sr. wrote: 
> I don't ordinarily shut this machine down for the most part.  Every once in a while all of my swap partition gets filled up,  and then there's this continuous hard drive activity that I'm assuming is what they mean by "thrashing". The only option at that point is to get its attention with the power switch.  And then I need to go through a whole routing with bringing up what I had going,  including re-starting virtualbox and the stuff that runs in it,  etc.  If I'm lucky then I can get back the windows I had going before,  sometimes I'm not so lucky.  A system monitor I run on desktop 4 always comes up,  but on the wrong desktop and I have to move it.
> The "eat all available memory" culprit seems to be firefox.  I just need to look at that system monitor every once in a while and when things start getting excessive shut firefox down and restart it.  Then I don't have the problem...

There's a kernel feature called the OOM-killer (out of memory)
which is supposed to detect when you are running out of memory
and select a process to kill.

Did you turn it off? It would be a setting in /etc/sysctl.conf
or /etc/sysctl.d/*

If not, perhaps you have an excessive amount of slow swap for it to be happy?

> I'm not sure if I have ntp or something else running here.  (Looking...)  I don't see it in my process list.

Other likely candidates are systemd-timesync and chrony.


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