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Re: systemd-resolved resolving fails sometimes on Debian12

jeremy ardley wrote:
> On 3/3/24 12:43, Victor Sudakov wrote:
> > Not that I would use bind9 as a caching resolver but still, how
> > do you pass the dynamically obtained AWS DNS server address from
> > systemd-networkd to bind9 ?
> The AWS DNS resolver IPs are static and are widely published.

Do you mean
> It is permissible to not use AWS resolvers for upstream.
> If you want to use AWS resolvers you may run into the problem that some RBL
> services reject queries from 'well known' free DNS servers; that may include
> AWS resolver addresses.
> systemd-networkd without systemd-resolved maintains a list of DNS servers in
> /etc/resolv.conf that can be used by local services.

Do you just disable the systemd-resolved service or do you remove the
systemd-resolved package completely?

If you disable it, you are also supposed to remove the "resolve"
service from nsswitch.conf, right?

> You can override dynamic setting of the dns resolvers in the
> systemd-networkd configuration to use a local caching resolver such as
> bind9, usually listening at

What would this be for? Sorry, I did not understand this step.
> You can then configure bind 9 as a caching only DNS resolver and set
> appropriate upstream (forwarder) sites, or none at all defaulting to the
> root servers.

Thank you for the ideas, I may use them but first I would like to do
something about the obvious bug in systemd-resolved.

Victor Sudakov VAS4-RIPE

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