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Re: Determining which file is at a given LBA offset; was: HDD error: Current_Pending_Sector

On 20 Feb 2024 12:51 -0500, from hunguponcontent@gmail.com (Default User):
> But since the sector already can not be read, How can it be re-written
> to a "good" sector?

Generally, it can't. It will be remapped if necessary when something
else is written to that sector.

> If I knew which file (if any) is using the bad sector, I could try just
> deleting that file from the "bad" drive, then copy the same file over
> from the "Good" drive, at which time the bad sector "should" be
> retired, and replaced by a good sector.

Assuming ext[234]fs, it looks like you can use tune2fs, udisks and
debugfs to determine the pathname to the file at a given LBA offset.
See http://www.randomnoun.com/wp/2013/09/12/determining-the-file-at-a-specific-vmdk-offset/

Michael Kjörling                     🔗 https://michael.kjorling.se
“Remember when, on the Internet, nobody cared that you were a dog?”

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