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MiniDLNA log file permission problem


I'm debugging a permission problem with the log files created by minidlna in /var/log/minidlna. I'm trying to use a different username to run minidlna and do not use the default user account minidlna. The problem is that log file /var/log/minidlna/minidlna.log is created with the owner "minidlna" and does not belong to the user that runs minidlna. 

I use the following configuration options:

user = myuser
log_dir=/var/log/minidlna/ # This directory belongs to the user myuser


ExecStart=/usr/sbin/minidlnad -f $CONFIGFILE -P /run/minidlna/minidlna.pid -S $DAEMON_OPTS -u myuser

The systemd module was loaded with systemctl daemon-reload. 

When I reboot the system, then the loading of minidlna fails because someone (presumably minidlna) creates the file /var/log/minidlna/minidlna.log with owner "minidlna" and not to the user "myuser". Minidlna therefore fails to load and therefore quits (lsof shows no process using /var/log/minidlna.conf).

When I manually remove this logfile and run "systemctl restart minidlna" a new file /var/log/minidlna.log is created with the owner "myuser" and minidlna is working properly.

So the problem only occurs when the system is rebooted. As systemd seems to work properly when I manually run systemctl start minidlna.service, I'm not sure if minidlna really creates the log file with the wrong username  

My questions:

- Is there a way to determine who creates the log file that belongs to the wrong user at boot? (I have no way to trigger this problem other than on boot)
- Is there any configuration option in minidlna that I did not see that I have to change to successfully run minidlna as myuser?


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