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Re: simple virt-manager setup

On 14 Feb 2024 09:40 +0100, from fnatter@gmx.net (Felix Natter):
> Am I right that it is not possible to backup/restore VMs
> using virt-manager GUI (on Debian12)? ChatGPT suggested this
> is possible, but confused this with Hyper-V I think ;-)

ChatGPT is _not_ a reliable source of information. Do not treat it as
a source of truthful statements.

If there is a way to back up VMs through virt-manager, I haven't found
it in my usage. Admittedly, I use ZFS snapshots for when I need to
roll back a VM disk image, which has happened rarely.

> So my best bet for backup/restore of data+config of a VM is to script
> libvirt or use an existing bash script [1]? (Can you recommend one?)
> Or is there a ProxMox vzdump equivalent for Debian?

I haven't looked at the page you link to, but yes, a disk image backup
of some kind plus a XML dump of the virtual machine ("domain" in
libvirt/KVM parlace) will allow you to recreate the VM to that point
in time. You can also clone VMs.

Michael Kjörling                     🔗 https://michael.kjorling.se
“Remember when, on the Internet, nobody cared that you were a dog?”

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