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Re: hexchat being discontinued?

On Sun, 2024-02-11 at 10:15 +0000, Michael Kjörling wrote:
> On 10 Feb 2024 19:54 -0500, from hunguponcontent@gmail.com (Default
> User):
> > Any recommendations for a GOOD alternative [IRC client]?
> If you describe what you like about hexchat and dislike about other
> alternatives, that would make it easier to suggest something you
> might
> find "good".

Hey guys, thanks for the replies.

I can't really say what it is I like about hexchat and dislike about
other IRC clients, except to say that it just seems to work the way my
brain does. 

I don't actually use IRC very much any more, but I would like to know
that it's there when I want/need it.  

Anyway, for now I think I will just continue to use hexchat for now. 
It works . . .  for now.

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