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Re: Things I don't touch with a 3.048m barge pole: USB storage (Was Re: Unidentified subject!)


On Thu, Feb 08, 2024 at 11:14:24AM -0500, Gremlin wrote:
> On 2/8/24 10:36, Andy Smith wrote:
> > USB storage is for phones and cameras etc, not for serious
> > computing. Many people will disagree with that statement and say
> > they use it all the time and it is fine. They will keep saying that
> > until it isn't fine, and then they'll be in a world of hurt.
> > 
> LOL,  So my main desktop a raspberry pi 4 is not serious computing? Or is it
> that my name server, web server email server which is a raspberry pi 4 not
> serious computing?

Not in my opinion, no¹, but I don't mind at all if you don't agree
and I also wish you the best of ongoing luck!


¹ Of course, sometimes you just have a device that only has USB and
  there's no way around it. If I have to go there, I try to make it
  serious by preparing for the storage of those devices to just
  disappear one day and take steps to minimise the downtime lost to

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