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Things I don't touch with a 3.048m barge pole: USB storage (Was Re: Unidentified subject!)


On Wed, Feb 07, 2024 at 03:30:29PM -0500, gene heskett wrote:
> [629241.074187] scsi host37: usb-storage 1-2:1.0

USB storage is for phones and cameras etc, not for serious
computing. Many people will disagree with that statement and say
they use it all the time and it is fine. They will keep saying that
until it isn't fine, and then they'll be in a world of hurt.

I learned not to go there a long time ago and have seen plenty of
reminders along the way from others' misfortunes to not ever go
there again myself.

> Looks like a reasonable facsimile of a 2T disk to me.

Good luck.


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