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Re: Copy from Firefox and paste into Terminal with Vim

On 2/6/24 06:25, Max Nikulin wrote:
On 06/02/2024 13:28, David Christensen wrote:
On 2/5/24 19:03, Max Nikulin wrote:
    xclip -o -selection PRIMARY
    xclip -o -selection CLIPBOARD

That is useful.

I expected that you would try both commands when vim is unable to paste. It would allow to discriminate whether it is Firefox or Vim issue.

I tried using those commands, but was getting confusing results. If and when my Debian, X, Xfce, Terminal, and/or Vim misbehave again, I will see if those commands produce any clues.

If I start Firefox, browse to https://www.toyota.com/dealers, select the
the first dealer contents, start Vim, press and release the double-quote key, press and release the asterisk key, and press and release the p key, Vim inserts a blank line.

What is the effect of ["], [+], [p] keystrokes?


or C-R* in insert mode.

I do not understand your notation:


[Ctrl+R], [*] or [Ctrl+R], [+]

     :help i_CTRL-R

In command mode:

* Pressing Ctrl+R causes the bottom line to say:

Already at newest change

* Pressing Ctrl+R then + causes the cursor to move down one line.

* Pressing Ctrl+R then * causes the bottom line to say:

search hit BOTTOM, continuing at TOP

In insert mode:

* Pressing Ctrl+R causes the following two characters to be inserted into columns 53 and 54 of the bottom line:


* Pressing Ctrl+R then + causes the two characters to be removed from the bottom line

* Pressing Ctrl+R then * causes the two characters to be removed from the bottom line

... Ctrl+Shift+V

I was trying to recommend against it, despite currently bracketed paste is enabled by default in BASH.




I wonder if the https://www.toyota.com/dealers content I was attempting to paste into Vim contained exploits (?). I have rebooted several times; perhaps the effects were not persistent (?). Toyota's web site is different today; perhaps Toyota removed the exploits (?).

I wonder if the following will display exploits (?):

$ xclip -o -selection PRIMARY

$ xclip -o -selection CLIPBOARD

I wonder if my Vim has blocked "+p and "*p as a means to protect against clipboard attacks?

As to vim docs

     :help gui-selection
     :help quoteplus


and for completeness

     :help registers

It seems that I have been conflating the terms and concepts "buffer" and "register".


     :help user-manual

contains description as well

Vim has more features than I know or use.


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