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Re: Copy from Firefox and paste into Terminal with Vim

On Tue, Feb 06, 2024 at 03:36:23PM +0000, debian-user@howorth.org.uk wrote:
> I know I don't like xterm so I never use it. I mainly use lxterminal
> and sometimes gnome-terminal but they both must be 'exotic' since they
> behave as David said.

The following NEW packages will be installed:
  libvte-2.91-0 libvte-2.91-common lxterminal

Hmm, OK, that's not bad.

First thing I try: Ctrl-v Ctrl-v (at a bash prompt).  This gives ^V as

Second thing I try: Ctrl-v Shift-Ctrl-v.  This gives a long-ish paste
of what appears to be base64-encoded content, but beginning with ^[[200~
(start of bracketed paste).  There's probably another escape sequence
at the end (end of bracketed paste?) but with no Ctrl-V acting upon it,
it's not visible.

So I guess this Shift-Ctrl-v is something that's handled directly by
the terminal emulator, and does *not* result in a byte sequence that's
interpreted by the application.  That answers one of my questions, at

There is ... almost no documentation, however.  "man lxterminal" gives
a stub man page written by the Debian maintainer.  The /usr/share/doc
directory is barren as well:

unicorn:/usr/share/doc/lxterminal$ ls
changelog.Debian.gz  changelog.gz  copyright

So I guess people learn about lxterminal features like Shift-Ctrl-v by
word of mouth...?

The terminal has a menu bar with a Help option.  The Help menu has exactly
one choice: About.  About gives a popup window with a link to
<http://www.lxde.org/>.  Going there and clicking the WIKI button
leads me to <https://wiki.lxde.org/en/> which is a 404 page.


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