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Re: Wine in bullseye, which way to go?

On Fri, Feb 02, 2024 at 08:59:18PM +0100, Marco Moock wrote:
> According to documentation I found in the internet, it is possible to
> upgrade a Debian system to the amd64 architecture.

That isn't an upgrade, and it isn't a supported operation.

Some people have *done* it, but it's very much at-your-own-risk.

> Maybe do that, but do a full backup before.

I wouldn't recommend it, certainly not for someone who's operating with
less than a full understanding of the situation.

> i386 is dead for Debian, the next release won't be available for i386.

It's dying, I would say.  Not all the way dead just yet.

The next release will not offer an *installer* for i386, but upgrades
from Debian 12 i386 to Debian 13 i386 might continue to work.

That bears its own risks.  Support for i386 is likely to be less than
full.  Things will probably start breaking and not getting fixed, more
and more often as the years roll on, until it's officially declared dead.

> As long as you have a i386 kernel, you can't use amd64 software on it.

This is true.

> Am 01.02.2024 um 18:03:47 Uhr schrieb skoric@uns.ac.rs:
> > I am not sure what do you mean by "install that architecture". I have
> > been using i386 versions of Debian, and I do not plan to reinstall it
> > now just because the CPU may allow that.

At some point, you will have to make a decision.  i386 is going to stop
being supported sooner or later.

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