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Re: Alt-Shift-P freezes XTerm

On Fri, Oct 13, 2023 at 01:06:20PM -0700, Van Snyder wrote:
> On Fri, 2023-10-13 at 12:38 -0700, Van Snyder wrote:
> > I have set up Alt-Shift-P as a macro in my editor (nedit) to run
> > pdflatex.
> > If I accidentally do it when XTerm has keyboard focus, it locks up
> > and the only thing I can do is kill it and restart.
> > How can I unlock XTerm after doing this?
> > There are no Alt-Shift sequences listed at 
> > https://www.xfree86.org/current/ctlseqs.html (maybe it's only about
> > output sent to XTerm).
> > Is there a list of Alt-Shift (and Alt-Ctrl and Shift-Ctrl) sequences
> > for XTerm?
> > Van Snyder
> I haven't figured out how to unlock the XTerm after accidentally giving
> it Alt-Shift-P.
> But I did work out how to prevent it. Put
> xterm*altIsNotMeta: truexterm*altSendsEscape: true
> in your .Xdefaults (or .Xresources, or link those files together), then
> xrdb -merge ~/.Xdefaults

Interesting. If I do that I see a colon, which disappears if I
hit enter afterwards. Then things are "back to normal".

If I run "od -C" on that term, I see the sequence "1b P", so I
guess the term is just passing "ESC P" to the shell, and the one
doing the magic is actually the shell running in there.

The behaviour is the same if I do "ESC P". Does that "hang your
Xterm", too?

If yes, I'd assume that it's your shell hanging and the Xterm is
"just" translating Meta-P to "ESC P".

So it might be your bash's readline you'll have to complain to
(lo and behold: if I do enter some text after the colon I see
and hit ENTER, readline searches back in the history for the
last entry containing that string [1], so it is just a backward
search: perhaps that part is broken in your setup. What shell
are you using?)


[1] I actually didn't know about that readline key binding,
   since I was already happy with incremental backward
   search, CTRL-R)

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