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Fw: python thinking at debian

I can't figure out how to file a bug. But I see a bug related to ensurepip - and some maintainer said that ensurepip is used by developers and won't be fixed by debian. 

But you also won't let us that develop fix it.  In ubuntu, they even have a repo for ptyhon to help developers (deadsnakes or something like that).
So at debian.. you won't fix it and you won't let devs fix it.

I do appreciate the open source contribution, I have done a bit of OS and it is pita, so I am thankfull. But let us developers break the system if we wish. You are driving us to ubuntu just so we can develop. 

Anyway, I'm sure I have done things and this will be ignore, but maybe you get other input on this and allow us to use debina for D12/bookworm.
Cheers, Vic

# python -m ensurepip
ensurepip is disabled in Debian/Ubuntu for the system python.

Python modules for the system python are usually handled by dpkg and apt-get.

    apt-get install python-<module name>

Install the python-pip package to use pip itself.  Using pip together
with the system python might have unexpected results for any system installed
module, so use it on your own risk, or make sure to only use it in virtual

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