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lpr hangs on emojis

When trying to print a file that contains emojis with the lpr
command, not only do the emojis not print, nothing following the first
non-printing emoji prints.  (This makes it a hassle to print certain
e-mails piped to lpr using mutt.)  As a small example, after entering
the command:

   echo -e "Hello\n\0360\0237\0230\0212\nGoodbye" > /tmp/test.txt && cat /tmp/test.txt && lpr /tmp/test.txt

only the first of the three lines prints.

One way to at least get all of the text to print is to use pango to
convert from UTF-8 to PostScript:

   cat /tmp/test.txt | paps --paper=letter > /tmp/test.ps && lpr /tmp/test.ps

Apart from such commands being a bit unwieldy when trying to print
e-mails, it's typically only apparent that an emoji is interfering with
lpr when most of the file doesn't print.  Also, if the emoji is actually
intended to communicate something, it would be nice if it appeared on
the printed page.

It seems that the enscript command works a bit better than lpr here;
the entire file prints along with the octal codes for the included
non-printing characters.  So there is at least an indication that there
is some other character in the text that one might be inclined to go
back to the computer screen to view.

Does anyone have a good way of printing text that contains emojis?

Best regards,
Greg Marks

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