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Re: kernel errors

"Thomas Schmitt" <scdbackup@gmx.net> writes:

> Hi,
> Richmond wrote:
>> No local block. :-?
> Maybe you can find our from where the message comes:
>   grep -r 'Running.*scripts.*local-block' /tmp/initrd21

grep -r 'Running.*scripts.*local-block' /tmp/initrd21
/tmp/initrd21/scripts/local:	[ "${quiet?}" != "y" ] && log_begin_msg "Running /scripts/local-block"

This contains:


        [ "${quiet?}" != "y" ] && log_begin_msg "Running /scripts/local-block"
        run_scripts /scripts/local-block "$@"
        [ "$quiet" != "y" ] && log_end_msg


Then later this, which would explain the delays: (The video shows
"waiting for suspend/resume device")

        # If the root device hasn't shown up yet, give it a little while
        # to allow for asynchronous device discovery (e.g. USB).  We
        # also need to keep invoking the local-block scripts in case
        # there are devices stacked on top of those.
        if ! real_dev=$(resolve_device "${dev_id}") ||
           ! get_fstype "${real_dev}" >/dev/null; then
                log_begin_msg "Waiting for ${name}"

                # Timeout is max(30, rootdelay) seconds (approximately)
                if [ "${ROOTDELAY:-0}" -gt $slumber ]; then

                while true; do
                        sleep 1

                        local_block "${dev_id}"

                        # If mdadm's local-block script counts the
                        # number of times it is run, make sure to
                        # run it the expected number of times.
                        while true; do
                                if [ -f /run/count.mdadm.initrd ]; then
                                        count="$(cat /run/count.mdadm.initrd)"
                                elif [ -n "${count}" ]; then
                                        # mdadm script deleted it; put it back
                                        count=$((count + 1))
                                        echo "${count}" >/run/count.mdadm.initrd

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