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Re: systemd and timezone

* On 2023 22 Dec 15:34 -0600, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 22, 2023 at 08:59:42PM +0100, Sven Joachim wrote:
> > 1. https://bugs.debian.org/803144
> > 2. https://bugs.debian.org/346342
> Wow, OK.  Fascinating historical context in there.
> I've updated <https://wiki.debian.org/TimeZoneChanges>.  I believe it's
> correct now, for both current and historic systems, although I can't
> swear to the pre-Etch stuff.

At the risk of being a pedant.  I find the text of the paragraph that

In Debian releases between Etch and Jessie,

in the Check Configured Timezone section to be potentially confusing.
To me the word "between" often means a range that is exclusive of its
end points, e.g. "between the lines".

Would this be better worded as:

In Debian releases beginning with Etch and ending with Jessie,

or would:

In Debian releases between Etch and Jessie (inclusive),

be good enough?

- Nate

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