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Re: Formal reminder of Codes of Conduct [WAS Re: Could we please cease this thread now?]

On Thu, 21 Dec 2023 21:36:00 +0000
"Andrew M.A. Cater" <amacater@einval.com> wrote:

> Replies to you which are specifically marked as replies off-list are 
> private. Don't repost private information. The normal expectation is
> that the list is public and communication to the list is public.
> If someone specifically replies to you in private, it would be for an
> exceptional reason and should not be reposted back to the list.

Clarification, please. Occasionally a miss-configured mail reader will
cause a private off-list reply, which the correspondent does not notice.
My usual response to that sort of thing is to suggest that the
correspondent fix his mail reader, and then reply to the email on-list.
But only if there is nothing in either the errant email or my reply to
it which I believe to be private. Is something like that within your
admonition not to reply on-list to an off-list email?

Does anybody read signatures any more?


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