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Re: Bookworm: Analog audio disappeared

Oof, I would be frustrated.

It doesn't sound like a Pipewire problem.  It's more likely related to
a firmware upgrade, and I wouldn't try to troubleshoot Pipewire (etc.)
until I could see the audio hardware in amixer or alsamixer.  Also the
CPU microcode seems less likely than the motherboard firmware.

DG2 sounds like an Intel GPU and HDMI, so it's also something I would
ignore for now.  Almost certainly it's the Intel 7a50.  My next steps
would be

* reboot into the firmware menu and poke around, just in case there's
  a new option
* review the dmesg log after a fresh boot, see what in there is

The big question in my mind is whether the correct Alsa module is
being detected and loaded, or perhaps some idea of whether it's

On top of that some Googling suggests "sof-firmware".  But it sounds a
little like people throwing things at the wall and seeing if it
sticks.  I would try to identify the sound device a little better
before installing more software, but it does look like it's
compatible with some recent Intel integrated IO.

=> https://thesofproject.github.io/latest/getting_started/intel_debug/introduction.html

And it does look like you have a version of sof-firmware installed
so I wonder if it's not up to date.  This isn't something I'm familiar
with; I haven't needed it for my AMD machine.

I also wonder whether the jack task assignment changed.  Many HDA
devices can switch an analog jack between several kinds of input and
output (line-level vs microphone with DC bias vs headphone out) and I
could imagine those settings being changed.  hdajackretask, which I
think is part of alsa-tools-gui, is the usual way to change those

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