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Re: Mouse single click handling?

> I have to ask: are you currently located at a remote location like the ISS
> station or similar? Why would you go down this rabbit hole when the right
> thing is to replace faulty hardware especially when it is cheap hardware?

FWIW there's a case to be made that "The Right Thing" is to try and
reduce consumption of resources, and prolonging the use of hardware falls
in this category.

This said, fully working mouses are thrown out on a regular basis at
most large organisations, so it's probably a lost battle.  But maybe the
OP's mouse have some characteristic which makes it harder to find
worthy replacements.

I'd encourage the OP to try and add support for such "debounce" support in
the drivers.  If for no other reason than the satisfaction of having
done the right thing and the feeling of empowerment one gets from molding
the software to one's own needs (enabled by Free Software).


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