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Re: EIO error - I/O error

On 11 Dec 2023 15:46 +0100, from rachid.oubelk@elum-energy.com (Rachid Oubelk):
> Dear support team,

A clarification; this mailing list is not a "support team". It's a
group of people, many of which who share little more than the fact
that they use Debian to varying degree, and with varying levels of
experience and expertise.

You should treat any response you get from this list accordingly, and
know that nobody here is under any obligation. If you are running
mission-critical applications on Debian, you may want to investigate
paid support through some company which provides that service.

_That said,_

> Please, we are using Debian GNU/Linux 9.13 (stretch) installed on a
> UC-8112-LX controller version 3.4,

I am not familiar with the UC-8112-LX controller. Also note that
Debian 9 receives very limited updates by now, being on ELTS since

> and it shows the error EIO  ( IO error
> ).
> Could you please help us understand the cause of this error? Very urgent.

_Usually_ an I/O error is caused by a storage-level problem such as a
sector read error from which the storage device could not recover by
using the error-correcting data stored on it. You should see more
detailed information in the kernel logs; check /var/log/syslog (exact
locations can vary depending on your syslogd configuration) and the
output of dmesg (may have been rotated out, especially if the system
has been rebooted) for a period around the time of the error.

Michael Kjörling                     🔗 https://michael.kjorling.se
“Remember when, on the Internet, nobody cared that you were a dog?”

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