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Re: ntpsec as server questions

On 12/3/23 20:06, jeremy ardley wrote:

On 4/12/23 08:51, jeremy ardley wrote:
|ntpq -p timedatectl status chronyc sources or if you are hardcore sudo tcpdump -i any port 123 |||||

Sorry, something screwed up the list

One or more of:

ntpq -p

timedatectl status

chronyc sources

or if you are hardcore

sudo tcpdump -i any port 123

This latter, disclosed that I was serving as a lower accuracy ntp server to anybody that came calling, probably serving a hundred or more clients in around 4 hours logging. I am surprised that dd-wrt lets port 123 thru from the network unhindered. I have this printer getting its time info from this machine's ntpsec but the chrony in the printer is ignoring /etc/timezone, stuck in PST or 4 hours behind me when comparing the output of "date". Except for the hour, its dead on to the second.

This printer is running armbian buster, with apt using the debian arm repos, which have long been disabled, so I'm stuck editing what it has. There are not enough tools to build a tarball either.

That messes with the estimates of time the print will finish. Chrony in the printer says its a full blown ISC client, but its ignoring the contents of /etc/timezone. Or something else is overriding /etc/timezone.

Does anyone know of an override to that I might check?

Thanks all


Cheers, Gene Heskett.
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
 - Louis D. Brandeis

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