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Re: connect two hosts over wifi without router?

On Mon, Nov 27, 2023 at 2:11 PM Hans <hans.ullrich@loop.de> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> just before I am trying forever:
> Is it possible, to connect two hosts directly over wlan without using a
> router?
> The background: I want to stream video from my drone using RTMP to my
> notebook.
> This is already possible, when i am using a router. But in the fields, I got no
> router available (I have a portable router, yes, but I want to mimize and ease
> as possible).
> The goal of my project I am working of, shall be a bootable live-usb or live-
> cd, which is preconfigured with the network address, a listening nginx for
> RTMP, automatically started X with automatically started VLC.
> The user just has to start his drone software (or whatever) on a tablet or
> mobile, input an IP in the streaming software and is ready.
> Everything shall be done without any router (because of avoiding as much
> latencies as possible).
> At the moment I am stuck with the directly connection.
> If someone has running this already, I would be happy for any configurations,
> or also with the help of some priciples.
> With an ethernet cable, this is easy (using a crossover ethernet cable), but
> how do this with wireless? Is this technically possible at all???

I think you want an ad-hoc wifi network. It is a peer to peer network
using Independent Basic Service Set (IBSS). See
<https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/ad-hoc_networking> and more
generally <https://www.google.com/search?q=linux+wifi+create+adhoc+network>.


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