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fscrypt a usb drive?

I am trying to use fscrypt to encrypt then be able to mount and umount it

Then fscrypt unlock <mountpoint> to access it

I have been unable to do so in that after I mount the drive and setup fscrypy I then have to create another directory under the mount point.

The USB drive was formatted like this:

mkfs.ext4 -O encrypt /dev/sdd1

Here is what I did, logged in as root:

mount /dev/sdd1 /home/fscrypt

fscrypt setup

fscrypt encrypt /home/fscrypt
[ERROR] fscrypt encrypt: Directory "/home/fscrypt" cannot be encrypted because it is non-empty.

Ok I get that so.........

rm -r /home/fscrypt/lost+found

Try Again......................

fscrypt encrypt /home/fscrypt
[ERROR] fscrypt encrypt: filesystem /home/fscrypt is not setup for use with fscrypt
Run "sudo fscrypt setup /home/fscrypt" to use fscrypt on this filesystem.


fscrypt setup /home/fscrypt/
Allow users other than root to create fscrypt metadata on this filesystem? (See https://github.com/google/fscrypt#setting-up-fscrypt-on-a-filesystem) [y/N] Y

Metadata directories created at "/home/fscrypt/.fscrypt", writable by everyone.
root@scott:/home/fscrypt# fscrypt encrypt /home/fscrypt
[ERROR] fscrypt encrypt: Directory "/home/fscrypt" cannot be encrypted because  it is non-empty.

Files cannot be encrypted in-place. Instead, encrypt a new directory, copy the
files into it, and securely delete the original directory. For example:

     mkdir "/home/fscrypt.new"
     fscrypt encrypt "/home/fscrypt.new"
     cp -a -T "/home/fscrypt" "/home/fscrypt.new"
     find "/home/fscrypt" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 shred -n1 --remove=unlink
     rm -rf "/home/fscrypt"
     mv "/home/fscrypt.new" "/home/fscrypt"

Caution: due to the nature of modern storage devices and filesystems, the
original data may still be recoverable from disk. It's much better to encrypt
your files from the start.

ls -hal /home/fscrypt
total 12K
drwxr-xr-x 3 scott scott 4.0K Nov 27 11:52 .
drwxr-xr-x 4 root  root  4.0K Nov 27 11:09 ..
drwxr-xr-x 4 root  root  4.0K Nov 27 11:52 .fscrypt

I am missing something here.........

Is there a way to do this so I have a USB drive encrypted using fscrypt that I can mount the fscrypt unlock it?

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