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Re: OT: any South Korean users out there?

On 17/11/23 00:40, Greg wrote:
On 11/16/23 17:23, Jeffrey Walton wrote:
Hi Everyone,

Please forgive the off-topic question. I want to connect with someone
from South Korea. I want to understand how competition helps drive
down the cost of internet service.

I understand South Korea has at least 6 Internet Service Providers in
some areas. South Koreans enjoy gigabit download speeds at a fraction
of the cost to their US counterparts. They can download a 4 GB dvd or
iso in under 2 seconds, and pay the equivalent to about $25/month for
the service. Or those were the numbers I saw several years ago. (The
US is a mess because of a US Supreme Court ruling where the idiots in
black robes decided 2 companies were enough for competition. It has
ruined competition in every vertical I am aware of).

Poland, Warsaw, 1Gbps download, 65PLN/month = 16USD.


(Suburb of) Perth, state capital, Western Australia 10B/s - 6MB/s - via 4G cellphone network (we can only just get 4G here - about 25% signal strength, when it works). Sometimes, the cellphone network simply disappears (but, then, this IS australia, where telecommunications networks disappear, for the whole country, for ten or more hours at a time ("We have a slight technical problem, and, we have no idea of the cause, but, it is definitely nothing to do with our firing a significant part of our workforce") ).

The australian feral parliament imposed a monopoly fibre to (somewhere along the road, away from residences, if you can find the hidden nodes) cable network, named the NBN, which, by experience, means No Bl***y Network.

Oh, and, the terms and conditions of ALL of the telecommunications networks in Australia, including the No B***y Network, explicitly state that each network is NOT to be used for emergency calls. "Go figure."

About fifty years ago, a famous person named Fred Dagg, had a popular song; "You don't know how lucky you are" - no doubt, reference to it, including its lyrics, can be found using the spy company search engine that tracks all of your Internet activity (and sends surveillance vans to record videos through bedroom windows) - google.

That song applies to the USA with its reported Internet access (I understand that the USA has Gbps Internet data transmission speeds) - in australia, having reliable telephone communications, let alone consistent Internet data transmission speeds above 100Bps, is just wishful thinking.

australia, in terms of telecommunications capability, is still pretty much at the tin cans connected by fencing wire stage.

Bret Busby
Western Australia

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