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Re: Help ! No syslog anymore

I forgot to answer the question on why I am doing this
I am experimenting on a no-log system where there is no writes what-so-ever to /var/log (except for mails) or systemd journal (currently kept volatile)
/tmp/ is tmpfs mounted
Attached is the rsyslog config as-it-is being used now.

On Sun, Nov 12, 2023 at 1:46 PM Michael Biebl <biebl@debian.org> wrote:
Am 12.11.23 um 08:18 schrieb Bhasker C V:
> Hi,
> I have tried removing PrivateTmp=no in the rsyslog service file and it
> still doesnt work

I assume you mean PrivateTmp=yes?

> I  have removed the service file which I had created too.
> I found that when I run the daemon manually, it works well. Hence I have
> disabled rsyslog and I have put the daemon startup in my rc-local
> But yes, removing PrivateTmp doesnt help.
> I am happy to troubleshoot this if anyone wants me to be a QA for this.

As a first step, please share your complete rsyslog config *verbatim*


[Not subsribed to debian-user, so please CC on replies]

Attachment: rsyslog.conf
Description: Binary data

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