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Re: systemd service oddness with openvpn

Richard Hector <richard@walnut.gen.nz> writes:

> Hi all,
> I have a machine that runs as an openvpn server. It works fine; the
> VPN stays up.

Are you sure? Have you client conneted and so on?

> However, after running for a while, I get these repeatedly in syslog:
> Nov 07 12:17:24 ovpn2 openvpn[213741]: Options error: In [CMD-LINE]:1:
> Error opening configuration file: opvn2.conf
Here you have something like typo (opvn2c.conf - I would expect ovpn2.conf)


> Why would it firstly think it needs starting, and secondly fail to do
> so? The config file /etc/openvpn/server/ovpn2.conf file which it

and here you talk about ovpn2.conf

I suspect that your vpn server never starts.

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