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Re: Removal of Libdb5.3


On Wed, Nov 08, 2023 at 03:57:15PM +0000, Busireddy, Nikhitha Reddy wrote:
> Hey Team,

Here we are all volunteer users of Debian; we are a "team" only in
the sense of our informal interest in Debian.

> We are building a project on Debian:bullseye, and due to security
> issues, we are trying to remove libdb5.3 package.

As you have discovered, libdb3.5 is required for several essential
parts of the Debian 12 release, such as libpam-modules.

If you can't solve your security issues you'll need to avoid using

It is likely that your "security issues" are that something says a
particular version of libdb has a certain bug and must not be used,
but you will probably find upon research that Debian has already
patched that particular bug or is not affected by it in the first

Looking for the particular CVE number at
https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/ can often help to
resolve these sorts of issues.


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