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Re: Documentation for KVM/QEMU?

On 6 Nov 2023 01:58 -0500, from noloader@gmail.com (Jeffrey Walton):
> QEMU/KVM is mostly like Virtual Box. If you know Virtual Box, then you
> have most of what you need for QEMU/KVM.

I agree. Although _some_ terminology differs, and naturally things are
organized somewhat differently in the UI, the concepts are very
similar, since they solve very similar problems. So you may need to
look around a little within the UI to find the particular setting
you're looking for, but that should be about it.

The three biggest differences I have run across (I used VirtualBox

1. Storage pools for disk images. With VirtualBox, you can put a disk
image file anywhere. With KVM, they go into one of a defined set of
pools, which in turn map to file system directories. Depending on what
kind of setup you prefer, this can be anything from actually
beneficial through a non-issue to a nuisance.

2. User versus system QEMU sessions. This isn't a problem, it's just
something you'll need to keep in mind when setting up and using VMs.

3. KVM virtualized NAT networking doesn't play nice with nftables on
the host with a restrictive policy. Took me a while to find a solution
but I eventually came up with this, which has worked reliably for me:

And another thing to keep in mind:

4. With SPICE, clipboard sharing is ENABLED by default between the
guest and the host; and by consequence, between guests! This one
really tripped me up. Fortunately it's not too hard to disable once
you learn how; I put a recipe at
but the short version of that one is that on the node
domain/devices/graphics/clipboard in the VM XML definition to set the
attribute copypaste="no". That will constrain that guest's OS
clipboard functionality to within that guest.

Michael Kjörling                     🔗 https://michael.kjorling.se
“Remember when, on the Internet, nobody cared that you were a dog?”

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