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Re: How do I connect my new wifi router (Mi Router 4C)?

Martin <martin94@cryptolab.net> writes:

> #!/usr/sbin/nft -f
> table ip masqrule {}
> flush table ip masqrule
> table ip masqrule {
>   chain postrouting {
>     type nat hook postrouting priority srcnat; policy accept;
>     ip saddr ip daddr != masquerade
>   }
> }
> When I execute this file with sudo unfortunately nothing changes, I can
> not connect to the internet (trying www.google.com from phone).

I might guess it's because your masquerade rule does nothing. I'm not
sure though.

Anyways, a typical masquerade rule would specify the source network and
an outgoing interface. For example, I have in my Linux router:

ip saddr oifname "enp1s0" masquerade

so for you that would become

ip saddr oifname "wlxe8de27a5ab1c" masquerade

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