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Re: How to use dmsetuup?

On 11/4/23 09:45, tomas@tuxteam.de wrote:
On Sat, Nov 04, 2023 at 07:46:09AM -0400, gene heskett wrote:


I'v got to the above point but the first example that looked good created a
100% allocated, no free space "homevol"
So I used gparted to delete the partitions & reformat them to ext4 again,
pvcreated them again an vgcreateded it again, getting:

Sorry, Gene -- I fear you have it backwards. The LVM stuff happens *below*
the file system: you first add physical volumes (PV) to a volume group
(think a "pool"). From that you "cut out" logical volumes (LV), which
are just bunches of blocks which show themselves to the OS as "block
devices" (/dev/mapper/foo, typically).

On top of that you can put a file system (as you can on any "bunch of blocks",
i.e. a block device or file).

Perhaps having a mental model the docs make more sense.

Indeed it does clarify the mechanics. thank you. Now do I have to zero them first before I can then create (pvcreate) them, vgcreate HomeVolGroup (case is important) list of /dev/ices, or can I skip the zeroing? I've found I could temporarily unload the 6 port on the mobo controller down to 1, the boot disk containing everything but home, which would give me enough ports to build another raid10 if I can conjure up enough sata power plugs, which I have some spares of molex to sata splitters. Or does pvcreate automatically null the formatting. I have enough of the 2T gigastones to do that, but will that then fix my lack of instant raid access? That would leave me with a blank home I could then copy to the new raid10 which would give me a raid10 twice as big as now.

To complicate that, I also have a wd 2T NVMe that has never been plugged in but I'm understanding that is not a mod, but a whole new install, and another 22 installs disaster before it works this well, unless the installer now has some manners or I unplug all usb stuff except the keyboard/mouse buttons. that possibly reduces the sata count because it would become the boot drive. I can do the usb cleanup long enough to do the install now that I know about it. Probably should download and burn the latest netinstall image first though.

Perhaps my constant mewling about the broken installer has done some good? Like asking me yes/no do I want brltty and cura or whatever the hell it is that yells out every keypress from any speakers it can find and locking up the machine for the duration of the yell just because it surveyed the usb stuff and found a usb-serial adapter connected to a cm11a X10 controller so it ASSUMES I'm blind and installs that stuff w/o asking me. IDK. I don't want to get into that situation ever again because if you nuke brltty and cura so you can work in peace, the sob won't reboot, grub gets stuck looking for them and won't proceed with the boot, forcing yet another re-install. Finally, may even have been you, someone told me to unplug the usb stuff FIRST, rebooting problem solved. Sorry, but this gets me started on a rant about a broken installer.

I have 5 of those 2T drives. And another narrow PCIe sata card with all 16 ports populated. That may serve as the foundation storage so I can restart amanda and have some backups. A 2T raid10 for /home out of 4 of them would satisfy the storage needs for a while, maybe even for the rest of my time here. And an expandable linear lvm for amanda would be a treat. If its dependable. A maintenance PITA if not.



Thank you Tomas, take care & stay well.

Cheers, Gene Heskett.
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